Legit way to be self-Mastery


So Hello everyone today iam going to share an article on  self discipline and way to master it which everyone will say i know it so let me ask you what it is exactly a skill or an art or just practice.

 Well If someone asks I call that self discipline and way to master it is a skill that people do follow in order to achieve his or her aim in life . 

 Will power which by one its believed that person having the will do succeed as they are self conscious what has to be done to acheive this and what’s its root of cause or the problem how we can rectify.


The Answer

 The main answer for this question is that these people succeed because they believe in themselves and the result is infront of the world that they are successful inspite of such hardships.

If we observe across the globe, the people who were legend , great leaders cum inventors , the greatest philosophers, inventors, scientists, it would be probably it will boil down to discipline. 



These persons who are success or being successful in  each phase they have done whatever its required to be done they were focussed all of them no matter what others would say they were willing to learn whenever they met up with the obstacles so yeah all of them like jeff bezos, Elon musk, zuker berg, in our country rakesh Jhunjhun wala, Mukesh ambani, Ratan Tata,  and so on .


 How we can overcome the laziness :

 Well firstly I know that  you are quiet sure that it cannot be executed or done in one day , but follow these small steps to become one. 


First: begin to recognize that the task or goal.


Second: Just start with little steps, starting with a small quantity at small time schedules.

 Third: remove all distractions

 Fourth: stay self motivated always guys


In this big world no one can get you motivated for almost everytime as everyone at some point may feel low . So yes you have to believe your inner self which is the most important thing so lets begin


1.Disturbances get away from it

So everywhere from the social media to our idiot box obviously also the surroundings we are distracted At first the things would not be in control but if you just give the start the initiative or the action just keep doing you will be far better than yesterday.


Firstly you should make  a small action plans by setting small goals with time limit frame for the distraction part not only in your watch or mobile but also create the same  in you .


Second thing is if you work in a office then you must have  a clear desk or working  area with limited distractions  and stay focused and do reward yourself for achieving the do small tasks often.


Third  follow the regular be consistent make small steps towards the goal



 2. Good mind in an healthy body.

So as you have read this sub-heading  it should be clear to you that only a sound mind stays in sound body.

 So in order to achieve self discipline and way to master it you have to keep yourself healthy by doing  proper and regular  nutritious eating and exercises on a daily as a routine. Don’t worry if the start is not so good but if you just start you will definitely get it and make sure to challenge yourself daily.

3. Self discipline and way to master it leads to attractiveness.

 Another thing that our mind always get stuck at  is that we often think that we need to change our scenarios first rather than thinking about changing ourselves .

Please don’t get me wrong we often run from our duties if we find something which is somewhat difficult be it maths, job, or any  other difficult work  So lets face it that the tasks needs to be fixed or can be made more focused one by  really focusing ourselves with the difficult ones in the mornings or whenever the mind is fresh this way we can build up the consistency too.

 all we do after seeing such tasks in reality we start doing that is simple i.e social media or sleep which in relaxing or procastinate it. So stop it its not at all getting us near our goal.


4. Make yourself emotional But do not end up as a fool

 So yeah what I have observed in these past based experience of mine related to my activity iam being a lot i mean a way too lot being influenced by the thing called the social media so let me explain  so we all have our own opinions and these kind comments influences the  peoples attitude towards their work .

I would say simply be reliable to yourself your self that is believe yourself and you  shall overcome all the odds and don’t simply do not end up as afool

 So how was the article do share with the friends and families and see you all in the next article

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