
So hello there friends here are top 40 lists by which any one if practices them regularly can be able to elevate his brain power and functionality so let us dig in

The List

    1.       Solve newspapers quizzes and puzzles also the sudukos

         1(1) .       Become an ambidextrous person in simple words use your both the hands for doing the tasks and if you often brush with right one then start doing with the left one this will build the connectivity with respect to the brains activity sharing

2.       Learn to do mind mapping , simply learn to do or imagine to draw up the scenarios in the brain or in  imagination like Sherlock holmes .

3.       Develop to figure out way to distinct between the colours and the types of foods with respect to their tastes.

4.        Learn some creativity activity cum techniques

5.       Think out of the box and be a thinker

6.       Simplify whatever you learn be it your school studies  by putting the conversation or concept conveyance to the others in a layman’s language

7.       Exercise regularly to make the blood flow running

8.       Learn to juggle all the activities no matter what’s the situation

9.       Capture every idea keep the idea bank  always learn from everyone

10.   Be consistent

11.   Learn to do  speed read like the rappers

12.   Find out your learning style be it with help of your music, games, learning concept by explaining it to others just find the style

13.   Study how the brain works

14.   Do power naps, power yoga , sleep well

15.   Learn a foreign language one is never too old to start learning one the catch is to just start

16.   Engage yourself in observation type games to improve in concentration  in terms of tackling the tasks solution

17.   Definitely conquer your procrastination

18.   Be Hungry for achieving remember that the real competition in this world  is not your friend, foe or anyone its you

19.   Challenge yourself daily both mentally and physically

20.   Engage in all the creative tasks eventhough one is not a artist

21.   Go or try to reduce the use of technology and try to do things manually more

22.   Stay away from the social media for a long time unless required

23.   Drink lots of water stay hydrated in every situation

24.   Learn an programming language even a civil engineer needs to know how to do programming this applies to all

25.   Get in touch not with facebook or instagram but with nature

26.   Develop self- awareness and the G.K which is lacking in the students and many peoples now-a-days

27.   Debates do participate it will not only improve the social skills but also improve the communication, negotiation skills

28.   Learn from the Entreprenuers , Businessmen, great personalities

29.   Read books

30.   Do mental maths reduce the use of calculators

31.   Have people around who disagree with you as they will motivate you towards your goal

32.   Try to summarise books, concepts, chapters, stories, this will improve the recalling abilities

33.   Do one thing at one time no rush

34.   Whenever you solve  a math problem if its stuck at one point go to its fundamental and do try from the base level see the root cause.

35.   Be curious

36.   Improve vocabulary by simply reading or noting one word atleast from the dictionary and utilize in real conversation

37.   Be different

38.   Manage stress chill

39.   Definitely turn off the TV , games  and do productive tasks.40.  

    40. Do networking

40 ideas to boost brain function

So Guys hope you all enjoyed this top 40 list of  Ideas to increase the brain function, and yeah see you in the next article until then stay curious .