Periyar E.V Ramaswamy

Periyar E.V Ramaswamy


During the 20 century, approximately for  50 years, "Periyar" E.V. Ramaswamy the Indian activist dominated the socio-policital scenario. A legend of Tamilnadu.

He was called by everyone as, Pakutharivu Pakalavan.' His life was full of turning points  with many hindrances and it was closely knitted with the Tamil Nadu Political history.

Parents of Periyar

Periyar's father's name was Venkatta Nayakar. His mother's name was Chinna Thayammal. They lived in Erode and they were struggling for their livelihood. They worked as labourers.

Venkatta Nayakar was a hard worker cum a dedicated person.He drove the vehicle for hire. Then he started a grocery shop. As days passed on, his business flourished. He became wealthy and he was also pious cum ambitious.

Periyar was born to them on 17 September 1879.  On this day we celebrate periyar's birthday He grew up as a pet child in his grand mother's house.


He married a poor relative girl. A female child was born to them after two years but the child did not survive after that,they did hot have children.

In 1911, his father died and  he offered major portion of his properties to his two sons and the rest of the properties, he donated to the charites.Every one in the family were in sorrow

Periyar did not waste his time in unwanted entertainments. He spent his time usefully by becoming the member of various organizations. in 1919, he also became the leader of the Erode Corporation.

Periyar resigned his post of Corporation leader by opposing the Jalian walabag massacre act.  This made him angry.

Joined the Congress

In 1920, he joined the Congress and he was grealy attracted by the ideologies of Gandhi.

He became the ardent disciple of Gandhiji. And started following his ideals

Vaikam Hero Periyar

In Kerala, there was a law prevailing at that time, prohibiting the entry of down-trodden people into some important streets. This type of many such acts led the down-trodden people to prison if they overuled and came to such prohibitted places.

The Congress party arranged for agitation preventing this act. In this movement, Penyar got involved and he was arrested at vatkam on 22.4.1924.

At the end of the struggle, the law was made null and void finally justice was won by each ones struggle.

After this the down-trodden people were allowed to enter the streets. Periyar was released and was named as, Vaikam hero

Point he left the Congress

But Periyar left the Congress due to his mis- understanding with the senior congress leaders regarding the caste based representation. Because of this misunderstanding periyar took a vow or pledged to remove the congress from Tamilnadu and walked away out from that conference.

Kudi Arasu

Periyar started a weekly magazine in 1925 by name, 'Kudi Arasu', for propagating his ideals. He wrote articles emphasizing the views on the abolition of caste system, widow remarriage and opposition against the epics stories.

At this juncture, there was a formation of a party by name, 'Justice Party, for the benefit of the non-brahmins. Periyar supported it.  And helped the down-trodden to live equally by gaining them equal rights. In 1932, Periyar toured all over the world and he rendered a speech in England where there was a large gathering of 50,000 labourers.

His wife died in the year 1933. In 1937, he agitated against the imposing of Hindi language in Tamil Nadu.For this act he was given 2 years rigorous imprisonment.

Giving the Periyar" title

On this date i.e  13.11.1938, at Chennai , where in "Tamil Nadus women's conterence was organised. There our E.V.R. was honoured with the title "Periyar," in that Conference. So that's how he got his name periyar.

Dravida Kazhagam Formation

On 27 August, 1944 the conference 1or Justice Party was conducted. Periyar headed the conference. lt was decided to change its name to, Dravida Kazhagam, in that conference.Periyar took charge as the leader of the Dravidar Kazhagam part Periyar - Maniamnmai marriage

Dravida Kazhagam progressed well and many educated people joined in that party.

Anna was one of the important people among them. In 1949, Periyar announced that he need a legal heir for the assets.

So he wanted to marry "Manniammai". But Anna and other senior leaders had reservations about the marriage. But Periyar went ahead with the wedding, not minding the objections.

So, Dravida Kazhagam was split in to two blocks. Anna started a separate party by name, "Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam", on 17.9.1949.

Meeting of Anna

Anna met Periyar after he took over charge as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Periyar supported the rule of Anna and the subsequent rule of Karunanidhi also.

On 20 December, 1973 he was admitted into the hospital for treatment of Hernia disease.

Despite effective treatment, he passed away on 24.12.1973. His body was buried on 25 December in the evening at the Periyar grounds in Chennai, with the guard of honour.


Today on 17 th October every year we celebrate periyar birthday.
This article was just a biography of periyar and his struggle which turned obstacles, hardships into many victories.

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