
Hello everyone  in this article everything is discussed about how Co2 is able to control fire and why trees gives Co2 in the morning and Co2 in the evening , which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?so lets begin 

How Co2 is able to control Fire ?

Folllowing are the key points regarding why and how Co2 is able to controls Fire

1. First CO2 is a non- combustible gas so when comes in contact withthe fire it cuts off the oxygen supply.

2.Co2 is a heavier gas when compared to oxygen so practically displaces the oxyen and cuts the supply 

So yeah i hope you got the answer regarding this question.

 why trees gives Co2 in the morning and Co2 in the evening so lets begin 

First of all let us bust the myth that plant only releases the carbon di oxide at the night reality is that the plants release them in the day too.

 Yes, that's right, plant actually reporates during the day and also at the night via its stomata 

which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis

Well an simple answer to this question is the stomata which are the tiny holes or pores like our skin pores which under the presence of the sun takes in the oxygen 


Due to this the process of photosynthesis takes place via which plant prepares it's food in presence of sunlight.

Then gives out carbon-dioxide at the night time but at  the day time the process is reversed that is it carbon-dioxide  and breathes out or gives us oxygen.

 At the same time the shoot, root systems transformation cum via capillary action water , food is also transported via which plant grows.

 Free tip:

In city or urban areas people often tend to do walk in night or evening time during this time the process of photosynthesis stops and hence carbondioxide is released

Which leads to less intake of oxygen level when compared to the morning

So morning air is the best way to get free fresh supply of oxygen from trees.