Hello there so you heard it right here in this article the major difference between 2G,3G, 4G, LTE, 5G, will be said in a simple laymans language in simple words.
So let us start the listing of the different types of the Gs
So let us first understand that what the G really denotes i know that every person would know this its called Generation. meaning of this so called generation is simply the speed of the internet . That is how fast the internet actually works on our so called cellphones.
Iam now gonna say that these mobile Gs are the ones which reforms the communicatin systems way more better than what it was before while in an wired communication system
Firstly understand the term GSM and CMDA
GSM and CMDA are actually the frequency bands such as in transistors with which we get the cell phones services
CMDA- Code division multiple access
GSM- Global system for mobiles
Actually by use of radiowaves the users phone gets connected to the base station antenna through the air media which further exchanges the radio transmission to the operator such as airtel, jio, idea/vodafone
Then they route it by other base station to the other person who is the receiver of the call .
The 2G network:(1993)
The 2G is a digital based also a GSM utiliser and faster than 1G as 1G used only analog way of tramnsmission simply manual method was used in 1G.
While 2G used cell data along with the users voice so here are the some of the common features of 2G network
1. data or the internet speed is maximum till 64kbps
2. services such as sms and mms (multimedia i.e even video attached messaging)
3. It used the bandwith which ranged from 30 to 200 KHz
The 3G network:(2001)
Well it utilises the new form of design and engineering called UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication systems)
This stuff was actually done to provide faster data as it was limited in case of the 2G network.
While 3G used cell data along with the users voice also with large capacity of sending messages, mails so here are the some of the common features of 3G network
1. data or the internet speed is maximum till 2Mbps
2. services such as sms and mms (multimedia i.e even video attached messaging)
3. It used the bandwith which ranged from 15 to 20 MHz
The 4G network (2009)
Well here we are in this zone of 4G network where the data and the speed of the reliability of the data are higher and safer than the 2G,3G.
So what it actually uses to acheive this you can ask its actually the architecture and the engineering design which is better than the past one.
Yeah the 4G network utilises MIMO(Multiple input and multiple output) and OFDM(Orthoganal frequency division multiplexing)
And also a major iimprovement in terms of the 3G are with respect to the development of the two awesome standards such as WiMAX and 4G LTE.
well you can all ask that what is LTE:
simply LTE stands for ( Long Term Evolution)
While 3G used cell data along with the users voice also with large capacity of sending messages, mails
but 4G is able to deliver fast and reliable data witha areliable speed so here are the some of the common features of 3G network
1. data or the internet speed is maximum till 20Mbps and above
2. services such as sms and mms (multimedia i.e even video attached messaging), almost everything
The 5G network(2018)
The 5G network well this one is unique one and also the main and the important feature it utilises is the radio wave range which is very less and rarely used so yeah it uses this OFDM(Orthoganal frequency division multiplexing) which is scalable
Low latency is one of the important feature of this 5G network which can be as low as 1-10 second i think you might ask what is
latency actually it is called as
The actual time taken by a information to reach from one place to nother via internets radio waves
so here are the some of the common features of 5G network
1. data or the internet speed is maximum till 10Gbps 10 times faster than 4G
2. services such as sms and mms (multimedia i.e even video attached messaging) with respec to high resolution in everything
3. It uses the bandwith which ranged from 30 to 300 GHz
Hope you all got informative see you in the next one
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