comming nearby future energy alternative ! good bye fossil fuels

How can we save energy
without sacrificing comfort?

To ensure that our future energy needs are met in an eco-friendly way, we need to do more than simply expand the use of renew-
able energy sources. Energy-consciousness and energy-saving measures are at least as important. According to current studies, we
could reduce our electricity consumption by at least 10% without any loss of comfort. Even more savings could be made on the roads by increasing the use of public transport and the number of economical
cars that consume less than 5 litres of fuel per 100 km. Intelligent building services and modern insulation could also considerably
reduce heating and cooling costs without anyone having to freeze in winter or bake in summer.

Where can the greatest energy savings be made?
Industrial and commercial businesses are already focusing more on their energy costs than private households. In Germany, for example, the greatest potential for energy savings lies in the generation and use of hot water for residential properties. Most existing buildings require about three times as much energy for heating as new buildings with well-designed energy strategies. Moving into a new energy-saving home fitted with the best insulation and heat pumps, and solar panels for heating water is not the only option. Professional renovation measures and modern building services engineering can help save up to 80% of heating costs. 
Did you know..
that solar energy could supply the whole
planet with electricity?

With an efficiency factor of about15%,typical solar cells are not particularly efficient at the moment. However, even at these low
efficiency levels, the Sahara Desert has more than enough space to enable it to supply the whole planet with electricity. Just 48 000 sq
km of the desert's roughly 9 million sq km would need to be covered in solar cells to generate the 12 000 billion kWh required. While the construction of giant solar power plants in the Sahara may sound
tempting but Morocco project is worth it but such a project will be useless until the problems related to the efficiency of energy transportation can be solved. such as hyperloop , boring transportation idea by Tesla's Elon musk
                         morocco project

Then it comes to oil, coal and natural gas, nature  shows us how best to store the energy made by the sunlight that fell to Earth many times. However, human beings have yet to invent a comparatively efficient and easily transportable means of energy
storage. Developing one is among the greatest challenges facing today's power industry, particularly because wind
turbines and solar power plants only produce energy in areas that have a lot of wind or Sun, while the energy itself is generally needed elsewhere. 
Although batteries work well in motor vehicles and mobile phones, they would be far too bulky and expensive for storing larger amounts of power. Some experts believe that hydrogen will provide the power source of the future. One way of  exploiting it is to use surplus power to split water into its component parts of hydrogen and oxygen. Using these two gases which can be stored and transported - a fuelcell could generate electricity anywhere. Large amounts
of energy are lost in the conversion, however.
While electric cars can make it possible.

Is it possible to store energy in plastic?

Modern rechargeable batteries are mostly made of metals and their compounds. Plastics would, in principle, make very light and economical storage to
replace Iithium, lead, nickel or cadmium. 
There are several electro-conductive synthetic materials which are already beginning to be used in electronic components and flexible display prototypes. fiowever, some scientists hope that it may be possible to store energy efficiently in
conductive plastic only, but so far this has not proved to be possible. Nevertheless, a combination of metal and plastic based on lithium-ion polymers has led to what
are now the best available batteries for mobile phones.

Can energy be stored with the help of
Compressed air?

Compressed air is seriously being considered as a method for storing energy, which would make use of an extremely modern form of energy conversion. To exploit it, electricity would be used to power machinery to compress air into containers. 
          Compressed air energy storage

The gas stored under pressure could then be released later so that it flows through turbines to produce electricity. Some energy
would inevitably be lost in the conversion between the various forms of energy, but losses could be kept to a minimum. Researchers are now exploring the possibility of using empty natural gas reservoirs to store the compressed air. If this proves to be practicable, surplus
electricity-generated by wind farms that operate at night, for example - could be used to compress air into the reservoirs. 
If more power was required then it  could be provided by the wind farms during peak periods, the compresed air stores could be used instead.

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