Effective method and technique for reducing procastination



    Hello Guys in this I will share some effective method and technique  for reducing procastination in mind for a long time So lets begin

    So friends the first and the foremost thing that iam going to discuss is about our lethargic activities towards our actions  or even I can say procrastination , How can we reduce it so without wasting any minute lets dive in.

    Get Rid Of Procastination

    So literally I can say that many of the people would say that this guy is bluffing or really they will back comment that saying to stop procrastination is one thing and following some rules really in a practical way and reduce procrastination is another  stuff.

    Simply  the way we can reduce procrastination is to simply trick our brain . 

    So let me explain that how can we do ? here is the thing our brain actually consists of two parts one is the monkey part and another is the genius path in technical way in our brain we have cortex which produces the cortysol harmone well , this decides our actions.

    Literally practically speaking whenever we are in a stress our brain decides to simply ignore that stress producing situation and tries to run away from that situation that’s monkey brain part right, then there is another scenario that whenever in the logical reasoning  tests when someone tries to do the math or some complex maths that’s due to the genius part of the brain.

    what we have to do to reduce procrastination

    So what we have to do to reduce procrastination is to setup  a target goal a very short one may be 5 minutes t  10minutes of activities and simply say yourself that its normal and do try to complete the task at first it may take more than 10 minutes to complete the task

    So  just remember this example have you seen and talked to a jet fighter plane pilot , at first during training mode in flying  he/she has to  undergo  series of flying training where he/she has to observe the G-force and during initial stages lots of health issues arises but when he/she goes another, another round  in that training he/she would be far more calm and their cortex part of the brain would say that hey brother/sister this one is a normal activity .

    And soon they would develop the habit of doing it regulary and also develop that what we say the mental acquity for self discipline, self confidence towards work also will reduce the procrastination.

    The same is to be done with ourselves just start even at first we literally don’t like to .

    Set up the goal and the target in terms of subject wise contents and also fix a minimum time amount to finish off at first it will be difficult then anyone after 21 days can make it as a habit and with clear cut consistency  on can be able to reduce the monkey sie of the brain which always tries to run away from the difficult situations be it an interview, exams, study, and other extra activities.


    So guys in this short articles of self help  have shared some effective methods and techniques for  reading and tips and tricks for reducing procrastination. Hoe you all enjoyed the article and were able to learn some stuff from it . See you in the next one

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