
Hello friends have you ever wondered that how does the space suit protects the astronauts in space travel to find out how let's start straight away..

 Our outer space is an infinite cum extremely hostile place. A space suit is protective gear that helps by creating an Earth-like environment within the suit itself, allows humans to walk around in space inrelative safety. 

It protects an astronaut from extremely low pressure,low temperature, radiation and moving particles in space. 

Like a tyre, a spacesuit is essentially an inflated balloon that is constrained by some rubberized fabric. It is made up of several layers of strong fabrics.

The interior of the suit is pressurized in order to keep the body fluids in liquid state. Otherwise the astronaut's blood would boil off in the vaccum of space.

The air used in spacesuits is not normal air 78% nitrogen, 21% of 0xygen and 1% other gases because the low pressure would cause dangerously low oxygen level cum dizziness to astronauts also exhaust i the lungs with respect to reduction in oxygen level and blood, much like climbing Mt Everest does. 

So, most spacesuits provide a oxygenatmosphere for breathing.

The astronaut breathes out carbon-dioxide. In the confined the 
space suits, carbondioxide concentrations would increase eventually to death .

Crazy Fact 1

Therefore spacesuit's make use of lithium hydroxide canisters to remove carbon dioxide. that's how astronauts can breathe in oxygen and safely release carbondioxide

To cope with the extremes of temperature. Spacesuits are heavily insulated with layers of fabric and covered with reflective outer layers to reflect  away the intense solar radiation.

Crazy Fact 2

 Have   you  noticed that spacewalks are not done often because it's  planned at low solar periods or else anything may happen.

Another practical thing is that when there is  excess heat produced by astronaut's body it's  is removed by using fans/heat exchangers, fitted in spacesuits, to blow cool air. 
In some spacesuits a backpack carries water both for drinking as well as to keep the astronaut cool.

Function of water in space

Well water is the main essence of living . In astronauts spacesuits water flows through pipes in the astronaut' s suit and carries away body heat.

If the body heat is not removed, the sweat produced will fog up the helmet. It will also cause the astronaut to become severely dehydrated.

To protect astronauts from collisions the with micrometeroids (small particles of dust or rock), spacesuits have multiple layers of strong synthetic materials including teflon and nylon. 

These  multiple layers also prevent the space  suit from ripping off on exposed surfaces of the space scenarios like sudden  small meteorite attacks, solar flare or by a planet or moon.

Moving within an balloon like which is  spacesuit is way too hard unlike normal clothes or suits so imagine trying to move your fingers in a rubber glove blown up with air: it doesn't give very much.

 To help with these kinds of  problem spacesuits are equipped with special joints  in the suits cloth or material itself to help the astronauts to be able to make movements like  their hands in earth scenarios also arms, legs, knees and ankles.

The spacesuit also consits of  a two or dual direction of communication system to assist  the astronauts to pass information via ham radios also to  communicate in the vacuum of space.


well how was this article hope you all came to know that how actually  astronauts do space travel also in that tough and blown up suits  we'll stay curious see you in next article.