
Sometimes we may feel low the more we have a great goal or bigger the goal bigger will be our struggle so yeah today in tjhis article i wil discuss how to neglect the negative feelings and to keep moving forward so without any hesitation let us begin note this one that:The bigger your ambition, the tougher the challenge, the greater your resistance, the harder your struggle.

Persistence STRUGGLE

So  the persistence effort may lead to victory even if one fails he may be able to pickup the idea and the reason behind that failure then act accordingly and make the improvement day by day 

Two most critical factors to get out of negativity
1. Your mental strength
2. Your reaction towards it(situations)

. Negativity kills your motivation, it makes you weak, and almost closes down your mind. When scenarios and the time are adverse, at that moment, you havea choice to focus your mind on negative or positive thoughts its your choice either you can pick the positive or the negative.

 It is a matter of choice. lf you let negativity become your habit, you will mostly find yourself sulking Here are some suggestions.

 Focus on the Positives You can train your mind to focus on the positive aspect of literally everything. 

Even if you face the negative situation tackle it and make it into a positive one as one has the ability to do so with the mental preparedness that is the ability to have a thinking tha what is right and wrong.

 It is not possible in an negativity mind to stay positive. This approach will help you feel peaceful.  Focus on Action

So yes no mater how much big the obstacles do the favour that the situation in which you are stuck right now say that its not at all permanent one as nothing here on the earth is a permanent one so enjoy everyday.

 So yeah don't forget to meditate along as many things and stuffs such as concentration improvement self improvement , also focussing power starts from there and a do not forget to be consistent in whatever you are doing.

Negativity get rid of it

. So stay happy always even if you feel sad or have a bad situation time will help you out in everything and do keep learning.

The real thing here is the one called you whatever you try to tink you will become the one and yes forgot to mention the only boundary creators are we the humans and nt the birds animals so you are unlimited in everyphase, skills  explore everything and stay positive When life stretches you a little too hard, relax.

Do remember that today everything has to be done dont thinkof the fruits of the future  do act accordingly and help others come out of negativity 

Discover your natural state

The way the outer environment and the society influences us will lead to many conditioning of our inner self. Whether thinking is from outer source ofcourse everything is as we are just the receiver it will form the basis of the further actions

So these thoughts form with our inner emotions and then lead us to think in a such way that we have not or yet decided such task or the activity its been actually opinionated due to the influence or the comments of the others simply saying that. 

So negativiy right whenever we actually fail we tend to become at that moment sad and try to put all the reasons and the persons because of whm we have failed So this is to be avoided mostly in many cases and do a self evaluation with respect to ourself .

Not with the others as we all know that we can tell 100 or even a 1000s of lies in this world but if we ask opinions from ourself the real sufferer will be us no one else


There is no one way everything, everyone has different situations, scenarios the only person is you who can play that part. No one else can play the role in the hall of world for you. if you are in an endless struggle in negativity remove it